Today's Reading:
- Luke 10:38 - 11:13
- Proverbs 12:15 - 17
Luke 10:38 - 11:13
In Luke chapter 11 verses 2-4, we are given the Lord's prayer. This is the second time so far that I have read the Lord's Prayer in the bible - the first being in Matthew 6:9-13. Jesus is responding to a disciple's request to learn how to pray when Jesus tells him the Lord's Prayer.
Jesus then tells his disciples that persistence is key when praying. Jesus gives an analogy about a man who knocks on another man's door late in the evening. Eventually the man answered the door and granted the request. Jesus says the following in chapter 11:
9 And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeing, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
10 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.I have the feeling that these verses get misused often, as an indication that you can get, well, anything your heart desires. I would first like to point out that the parable that preceded these verses involved a man who needed bread to feed a guest. The request was urgent enough that the man just kept knocking -- he needed that food so his guest wouldn't go hungry. This was a prayer for provisioning, which the Lord WILL provide those who ask. It might come in the midnight hour but it will come.
As far as prayers for other things go, I believe that your prayers must align with the will of the Lord in order to be answered. The Lord knows an infinite amount more than we ever do. Sometimes we are pray for something with our whole heart; something that we think is in our best interest; something that we think aligns with the will of God; yet we don't receive it. In those cases we just have to trust the Lord has our best interests in heart. Many times, later in life, you finally see a blessing in the fact that X thing didn't happen, even though you prayed so hard for it. It's at those times that catch a glimpse of the glorious beauty of the Lord's plan for you life. So consider every unanswered prayer to be a blessing.
Right Thinking and Quick Tempers
Proverbs 12:15 - 1715 Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.
16 A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.
17 An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies.I initially thought verse 17 was a bit ... erm, obvious? But then I realized, maybe someone doesn't know what a false witness is. Now if someone asks me, "What is a false witness?" I can say "a false witness tells lies" and point out where it is defined in the bible instead of the dictionary. Pretty nifty, eh?
It is the first two verses of this reading that really catch my attention. The subject is Fools -- and fools are taught about all throughout the bible. It is a bad thing to be a fool, it is the opposite of being wise. It carries death while wisdom carries life. So I have learned to pay attention to all the bible says about fools.
Verse 15 really draws me in, because I have a big problem when it comes to thinking my way is right. I tend to do a lot of research, research about everything and anything. When someone needs an answer, I have it, right there. If someone tries to tell me otherwise, I can point out in an instant where that is wrong. Pretty foolish, eh?
Today I re-read Proverbs 3:3:7-8. Those verses tell us not to be impressed with our own wisdom, and that listening to others will give us healing for our whole body. Pretty powerful stuff, don't you think? I really need to work on stepping back and not immediately throwing an answer at someone. I need to learn to be humble and see what I can learn from another person, instead of only relying on what I can learn for myself.
As far as verse 16 goes, I try not to be quick tempered. My temper has calmed down a lot over the years. I still have plenty of room for improvement, though. I am going to try to a silent chant when I start to get prematurely angry: "A fool is quick-tempered. A fool is quick-tempered. A fool is quick-tempered." Wish me luck -- or better yet, wish the other person luck!